Alternatively, follow this link for advice on how to update your payment information.ģ) If you feel this is still an error, developers have zero control over the whole iTunes purchase process. Now launch the app store again and see if that picks it up.Ģ) Try restarting your mac and then logging out and logging back into the Mac app store.ģ) You probably changed your credit card recently or updated it without updating records in iTunes. A good way to test for this is to try and download a free app from the Mac app store. It may prompt you then to update and verify your credit card. Spotlight for and delete any other copy found. Then, delete under /Applications.
All updates to 2Do so far have been free. There are no paid updates to worry about and so if you're certain you purchased 2Do earlier and are seeing a 'Buy' button instead of 'Install' or 'Update', please try the following:ġ) Try compressing the app in /Applications (right click, click Compress) and then moving the compressed zip file to a secure location.